Bo**ocks - you want an unprintable title - Go On Temp Me !!! please Temp me !!!

1 minute read time.

This is just the lead in - honest, lost alone and hurting you want a blog - hell watch  tomorrow, there are 14 Community Champions - you understand that, we have no authority, we have no power, but the title says we champion the site - so why are we not up in arms over the crap we have accepeted so far - just a taster and understand if others have a different view - but what the hell is gong on ?
Well love and hugs to all, thats it, nice bit over !! Was going to write 2 blogs, the polite version and this, so looks like you picked this one, to select the other press capital  S for select, Select M for modify, go to home page, select B for blogs, select M  for modified select r for remove crude comments, select P, for want to post now holding cap lock ok Press  F for Fu**ing lost confused and what a load of Toss  - Ok Bollocks - conned you just the one version, just want to say - if I offend or post someting that a  bit contoroversial - so Fu**ing what !!  If Mac can do it then its got to be ok right ??

Watch this post Please xx Love you xx

Take care 

John xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi John,

    Just wondered where the steam was coming from in my computer! Realised that I have spent all evening trying to catch up and there has got to be a quicker way......snail mail?

    Watch the blood pressure!

    Take care


  • FormerMember

    Well, I did comment before, but lo, it disappeared! F***ing useless mess of virtual cr*p!

    John, despite how you're feeling, I think you've done everything in your power to speak up for the community. I'm grateful, especially as when all this was happening I barely had the energy to put a sentence together or write a coherent complaint, and you and others did your best to tackle all the issues.

    I know you have others things on your mind right now and this shouldn't be your priority, so I'm sorry it's causing you to feel so frustrated and stressed. I just wish Macmillan would realise that the 'Community' is the people who need and use this site, and not the site itself. It's not fit for purpose, it should be fixed fast.

    Love and hugs, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Good morning from the sunny Gulf. John ! What a great way to start my day here ........ reading yet another of your ' Pearls of Wisdom ' whilst slurping my coffee - truly wonderful ! Even better, 'cause I am using my hubby's laptop ( with a Mac Compatible Browser, no less ) and so I can even reply with visible writing ! John, I have to say that you do indeed have a way with words ........ a veritable Shakespeare, no doubt about it. I am very much looking forward to your next piece of literary work appearing in print shortly - and hopefully the uncensored, unabridged version at that. 

    In short, it was great reading John - you've got it in one ! Take care my dear friend.

    Love, Joycee xx 

  • FormerMember

    Dear John

    As always you expressed my feelings using perfect English.  THANK YOU! 

    Unlike Joycee I'm at work slurping my coffee and scanning my e-mails and calendars for today's work, teleconferences, meetings, etc.  Your blog put me in a  no-nonsense mood - perfect working mind set.  Yet another reason to say thank you my friend! 

    Wishing you all the very best


  • FormerMember

    Hello again. I forgot on my earlier reply, but I also wanted echo Ann's comments about all your efforts for this community ......... they are to applauded, John. You have offered your free time to help and guide members, both old and new, only to be thwarted at every turn with the current difficulties. Whatever, don't throw the towel in 'cause we want you to stay ! 

    Love, Joycee xx