Bo**ocks - you want an unprintable title - Go On Temp Me !!! please Temp me !!!

1 minute read time.

This is just the lead in - honest, lost alone and hurting you want a blog - hell watch  tomorrow, there are 14 Community Champions - you understand that, we have no authority, we have no power, but the title says we champion the site - so why are we not up in arms over the crap we have accepeted so far - just a taster and understand if others have a different view - but what the hell is gong on ?
Well love and hugs to all, thats it, nice bit over !! Was going to write 2 blogs, the polite version and this, so looks like you picked this one, to select the other press capital  S for select, Select M for modify, go to home page, select B for blogs, select M  for modified select r for remove crude comments, select P, for want to post now holding cap lock ok Press  F for Fu**ing lost confused and what a load of Toss  - Ok Bollocks - conned you just the one version, just want to say - if I offend or post someting that a  bit contoroversial - so Fu**ing what !!  If Mac can do it then its got to be ok right ??

Watch this post Please xx Love you xx

Take care 

John xx

  • Hi John , Sorry your feeling bad about the new site. I joined just after the last make over and really did not see why everyone was moaning about the last sight as I found it easy to use. The problem is you become very attached to the format your introduced to and it does seem hard to see what the improvements have been.

    I have tried to keep an open mind this time and my only real concern is that there seems to have been a drop in new members in the groups I use and I just hope new people can find us.  It would be interesting to get some feed back from new members to see how they are finding accessing it. I am getting to grips with it ,some things I am not sure about but given time I might.

    Take care,


  • FormerMember

    Hi John

    I remember the change last time just after i'd joined in August 09, it was bad enough getting round the fact i had been diagnosed with Leukaemia without dealing with changes to websites.

    Now i've come back off a fortnights holiday plus been busy offline due to the fact i'm now a grandad :)

    It seems hard working out how to catch up with what i've missed on this new site.

    You have done so much on the Mac site in the past.

  • FormerMember

    Hi John,

    I'm really sorry to read this, I thought we were getting somewhere with our communication? You've made your feelings clear, we've accepted your feedback and made improvements to the site in the last two weeks since launch.

    We're still in the process of making these fixes, and it will take a little bit of time. I'm sorry about that. The activity feed is in development and we'll keep you updated as best we can.

    You've also made your feelings clear to our CEO, and received a direct response from him which you were happy with. What has happened since then to cause this dramatic about turn John?

    As always, I appreciate your work in the Community, and you've always been a valued mamber and recently a Community Champion. I sincerely hope that you come to see the logic behind the changes that we've made, and once you become accustomed to the format that you see that it's better than the old site.

    Nobody likes change, me included! We had to upgrade the site because the old site was no longer supported by the people who supply the software. The old site also didn't work. We had many, many complaints over many months about funtionality problems, navigation issues and bugs which made using the old site very difficult for you. The change was necessary.

    I know that many of you are unsure of the new format and also that we haven't launched with a perfect version. But we're working really hard to perfect it, and we only ask for your patience whilst we do.



  • Teakbank,

    What fab news, enjoy your new grandchild!!!

    Love Court

  • FormerMember

    Hi John

    Keep fighting the good fight and many thanks for doing so on our behalf.  As this appears to have become a central place for a tad of a rant I'll add my piece if you don't mind.


    You seem to be missing the point.  Nobody is saying the old site was perfect but it was fit for purpose - currently what we have isn't.  Surely if it was a sotware issue the incoming provider could have just replicated what was there before and improved upon it fixing any known bugs along the way - I'm no expert but do have a modicum of common sense and that approach seems eminently sensible to me.

    Currently I get very frustrated just trying to do the most basic of things, not because they've changed but because the process is ridiculous and cumbersome.  A couple of days ago I had an email alerting me to a friends request.  I duly logged on and try as I might I couldn't locate the request on my profile to accept it - eventually I tripped over it.  Why not just have it flagged up on my profile when I log on - that's what used to happen and surely doesn't require rocket science to deliver.

    As I said it isn't change that has us all up in arms it's the fact that this appears to have been a change for the worse.  Want to post to your Blog? Click here, press that, select the other, find this and so on........ How about on my profile I select Blog and then add a post - in the words of the great Alexandre 'simples'.

    I don't think I need to mention the friends feed apart from I did notice it was said that this has been addressed and will be up and running soon but needs to be rigourously tested before release.  Now there's an idea, rigourous testing before release - just a thought!!

    I have little doubt that implementing somehing new on this scale is not easy.  Being all things to all people is a difficult remit but I'm afraid that is the remit and to that end, is what has to be delivered. We, the users, define this site and currently it looks and feels as though the site is the most important half of the deal. I find it a real shame that we are losing people as they become disillusioned, let's get it sorted quickly before we lose more.  Jump on the IT consultants from a great height and crack the whip, make them earn their money and deserve the name of Macmillan on their client list (which they will have undoubtedly have published already).

    I live, as always, in hope.
