How do we get through this?

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16th Oct - I'm sat in my apartment packing up my things to fly home tommorrow to care for my mother who has been diagnosed with lung cancer. To say I'm scared is an underestimation. She is in denial at the moment and I guess I am too. I dont think the reality of it will hit me until I get home. Even starting to write this blog is hard...our whole lives have been turned upside down in the last week and I dont see how things will get better. Mum is so young, I never imagined that I would need to care for my mother when she was only 60 and me 28. Even since her diagnosis her health has begun to decline.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Irlanda - everything will be confusing and scary at the moment. It is a rollercoaster ride. It may help once you have spoken with the oncologist and find out what the treatment plan is for your mum, at least then you will have more of an idea of what will be happening.

    My dad was only 60 when he was diagnosed - as you say too young.


    Stay strong and positive

    DB xx

  • FormerMember

    I'm sorry you've found yourself here, join us in the lung cancer group if you haven't already, there are a few of us with poorly parents and it is very hard and sadly doesn't get any easier.  My dad has just turned 62 and we are 3 months down the line, time has gone so quickly and it really needs to slow down :(

    Take care xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Irlanda,and  everyone,On a positive note my friends mum had lung cancer 6 yrs ago the same time my hubby was been treated,and the chemo managed to clear all of the cancer alone without even surgery,another friend as had radio and hers as also cleared she to is in remission so keep strong for your loved ones,Irlanda your mum as probably gone downhill because of the news tell her the positive stories on here,my Pete as been on and off chemo 6 yrs and gone through surgery and other things see our profile,he as bowel ,liver and lung cancer,Hugs Chris.xx

  • FormerMember

    Irlanda, I am in the same boat as yourself.  My uncle, who lives with my family was diagnosed last Friday and like wise I am so very scared of what the future holds.  We don't have any further information on the condition other than lung cancer.  We are waiting on a phone call today to let us know of what treatment plan they will implement.  Such a confusing, scary, emotional time.  Never thought I would find myself in this position.  Where do we go from here???? Thoughts are with you, your mum and your family at this dark time. x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Everyone,

    Thank you for your kind messages, i hope everyone is doing well today, its such an emotional rollercoaster and we are only about a week into it. But I guess we cant change what is ahead of us, but to just be brave and tackle things head on. Now its time for me to go catch my flight home... Take Care everyone and Ill speak to you all when I get home tommorrow xx