Brain Scan ??

1 minute read time.

I suppose I will find out soon what going on with my husband he has SCLC (inoperable )  only diagnosed a couple of months ago ( feels like years) , He started chem 8 days ago and since then he has become confused and his speech is a bit slurred. Its so very upsetting, I dont know how much more I can take, just when you think things maybe getting a bit better something else raises its ugly head.

He is going for a brain scan this morning, Oh and the other thing is he cant stand up any more because his blood pressure drops when he stands aaaaa9 he collapsed at home at the weekend and so had to go back into hospital. They are testing the Adrenal glad ,to find out about the collapsing.

This is my strong husband who before this never had a day off work in his life, never went to the doctors etc. Its just heartbreaking . Every time I go to the hospital I dread to see how he is. I'm so scared of every thing now.

Its hard to think you just dont know what to expect from one day to the next. One good thing is he wasnt eating at all the last couple of weeks and funnily enough he has started to eat a bit now.............just hope that might save him.

Denise x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Denise Hope all goes well with the scan,I to have had a scary morning, Pete shouted me at 4.30 am the bed and him covered in blood,i dont know where its come just hoping its come from the injection site where i gave him fragmin last ngt,off to oncology 2 hours early so they can check him before his treatment.Fingers x for you both .Chris.xx

  • FormerMember

    I also hope your husband's scan goes well. There are no answers Denise, we all ask ourselves 'why' every second of every day but will never know why our loved ones have been struck can be so cruel.  

    My hubby had never been ill in his life (didn't even have a GP) and he was diagnosed with an 'orange sized' GBM brain tumour 'out of the blue' in June 2009, so I know how heartbreaking it is looking at your big strong man and seeing the shocking change in such a short time, words cannot explain the mental pain. Try and remain positive (not always easy, I know) but adversity can be conquered. My hubby is doing well 2 years on (hospital gave him 12 weeks and contacted hospice to support us immediately).....but he's proved them wrong and will continue to do so!

    We have this little saying and I hope it doesn't cause offence as no offence intended - we have always been Atheists and someone asked me recently "Who does an Atheist thank when he/she has good news/fortune" to which I replied "They thank themselves as they basically believe in themselves" (and a good team of medical professionals obviously helps too!).

    Thinking of you, Debs x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Denise,

    A lovely comment by Debs, there is so much truth in it.

    Myself and my wife are Humanists and we would have given the same answer. Hope all goes well with you husbands Scan. I have mine tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

    TYake care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks All for your comments, wont know the result of the test until friday I think, He was very tired again today but at least there were no weird

    comments or behavour.....and that I am glad of !

    Debs its so good to hear stories such as yours where you are having such good results, its so heartening, thanks for taking the time to share it.

    Chris sorry to hear about your 4 am nitemare, oh my god how are we supposed to deal with this kind of thing.............Do you have to inject him ?

    Denise x

  • FormerMember

    Hope your scan went well Sarsfield.

    Denise x