My Soul Mate

1 minute read time.

So here we are talking about loosing each other. Why does this feel so normal in the 'bubble' of this Cancer World when all around us people are "normal" rushing around and taking their lives for granted?

Am I the only wife out there who is trying to collect memories like smell, touch, smiles and the strength of a cuddle from a Soul Mate the same way a collector would in refining the example until it is the most immaculate first edition ever......

The question is of course once I have these memories how will I make them last for the rest of my life and keep them pure in shape and form to share with our Grandchildren?

Finding out your Husband is diagnosed with Stage 4 Renal Cancer and its has metastasised to his lung is the most unreal and complex thing to cope with emotionally. The tumour has been removed having been peeled off his spleen and he looks so much better, so it would be easy to think he is well...........His not can wives cope with this loss, a daily loss that is so difficult to talk about.

To anyone reading this, I am sorry as I have probably made you cry too 

  • FormerMember

    Memories will last with you for the rest of your life. Unlike normal memories which can be forgotten ,memories of your husband are locked in your heart for good. My husband and soul mate died 8 yrs ago when I was 46 and he was just 57. I remember everything we did and had together. It comes naturally. Live for now though and make everything you do be about him. God bless you and your husband


    Sandra xx

  • FormerMember

    I lost my mum to cancer, and have been fighting it myself in 2015 so am really replying to your how to make sure you keep your memories. You never lose them, but to pass them on I keep a little note book and jot down things that happened and memories I have. I journal them when I have time with pictures of favourite things.. even if I have to cut them out of magazines. Old cards with messages gominto the journal, and copies of or original photos and a little bit of writing about what the occasion was. There wss always an occasion if we took photos before phone cameras arrived. My grandchildren love seeing their mum or dad as a child, and as they never met my mum, they can realte to us talking about her better because they know what she looked like. You can't save smells, but you can save a picture of a favourite flower or meal.. even an advert for a favourite perfume or drink with a note of a memory it evokes.

    You don't do it all at once. As i say, it starts with my notebook and I journal when I have time and am in the mood.

    Good luck to you and your husband. I hope he continues to feel well x hugs xx