Run out of time.......Bugger!

  • Looking forward to 2016


     well good riddens to the pain both physical and emotional of 2015. When we open both the front and back door at midnight I hope that 2016 will bring a different warm and kind spirit to live with us ... 

  • My Soul Mate


    So here we are talking about loosing each other. Why does this feel so normal in the 'bubble' of this Cancer World when all around us people are "normal" rushing around and taking their lives for granted?

    Am I the only wife out there who is trying to collect memories like smell, touch, smiles and the strength of a cuddle from a Soul Mate the same way a collector would in refining the example until it…

  • Daddy Dear


    Dad is a proud man, he looked after my Step Mum who has MS for years at home before she became so dependant and in need of Nursing Care that she now lives in a Nursing Home in the Midlands. Although we were all releaved that she was getting the right care, I could also feel the sense of loss that Dad felt.

    This sense of loss led Dad to look for a lady friend to fill the gap in his life and he was soon off and about;  

  • Introduction - It's only polite after all.....


    There are three key players in this Blog; My Dad, My Husband and Me. Dad is 68, retired, loves Hunting, Shooting and Fishing. My Husband is 52 and runs his own company and I am 48. This year (2015) has been one of those years where that new Diary in January looked so fresh and promising, you know the type that you want to write in in your best hand writing with a lovely ink pen......Dad was the first to blot the copy…