The oesophagus has to go... And associated dribbling!

  • Initial Plan, including ultrasound, PET and CAT scan.


    So it appears that I've developed a cancerous lump at the bottom on my gullet next to the stomach valve which is likely to require surgery....

    The CAT scan appeared (I'm using the word appears a lot here as very little appears to be concise at this stage!) to show that the lump had gone through all 4 esophageal walls and highlighted some swollen lymph nodes - meaning that it might have spread using the lymphatic system…

  • Endoscopy...


    The appointment for the Endoscopy came through quite quickly and I was sitting in the waiting room at Telford within 2 weeks... 

    All the vital signs checked out so no excuses and in I went....  I opted for the throat spray rather than the anaesthetic... Just to avoid hanging around and feeling woozy... Didn't even have to take my shirt off! 

    Big mistake! If you need to have this investigation and you think there…

  • Diagnosis...


    Hi... I'm a 53 year old male who's suffered from over acidity for years... That was happy under control with a daily dose of Omeprazole until around Sept '16 when I noticed the old acid burning problem coming back... I went to see my local Daktari who doubled the dose of Omeprazole "and come back in a month"... Well here I am on this blog now so it clearly didn't solve the issue and also during that month I started having…