A day of Cisplatin followed by 5FU – in a pump – to take out….

2 minute read time.

Another day in the chair - in the time it had taken to say hello to Pete, taken my Emend anti Emetic pill, fended off a barrage of tea offers and logged into the network, I was half way through my fluids, intravenous anti Emetic and wotnot – with just about enough time to spare for an episode of “Breaking Bad” before getting into the Cisplatin Chemo drug for 3 hours…

That whistled past – with a couple of visits to the loo to freshen up after all the tea and assorted lashings of intravenous fluids… plenty of opportunity for a gentle wander round the building steering the drip (a bit like trying to keep your over refreshed mate on the pavement after a night out) to see if I could find a phone signal… I did also have a snooze and read a book for a bit – took in a video.

It really is still to me – having had a second go at this now – a futuristic Orwellian trip – with the same sort of frustrations of a trans-Atlantic flight (I’m sure they make it deliberately hot in the afternoons so you’ll nod off and behave) and the addition of a very comfy chair…or… it also reminds me of “Carry on Screaming” where Odd Bodd et al go and get plugged in to recharge for a bit!

Not suffering any ill effects, this time I drove myself home – with a stop off on the way home at Toyota to have a pheasant removed from the front grille of the car… if you're squeamish then don't look at the picture at the bottom - I've added plenty of spaces in so you can avoid it - but it caused quite a lot of "not seen one like that before guv" at the garage!

So day 3 into Cycle 2 and what’s it like?  For me, I’m back on the basic foods as anything else causes an acidic type irritation feeling; similar to rubbing ground glass into the affected area I should imagine… this I’m assuming will change as I’m told it’s mainly brought on by the anti emetic steroids – the last of which I’m due to have tomorrow.

Sleep – I had 2 hours on and 2 hours off last night… and here’s a new one… I had a crampy type sensation a couple of times; akin to having my oesophagus wrung out like a damp sock – extremely painful – started at the back – moved round to the front and then went – over the course of around 5 mins…

So apart from that and the general sense of bewilderment I have nothing else to report – ah yes – some good news – I’ve a CT scan scheduled for Weds to check progress… seems to have come around quite quickly.... if you don't like "grilled" pheasant then look away now!

  • Andy when you go for the CT scan you may have to remind them if you can't lie flat. A few weeks after surgery I had to have an MRI scan and had to try hold myself up as they gave me 2 soft useless pillows. With no valve at my new stomach and oesophagus the there is nothing to stop the acid reflux. I'm sure you will get through it, good luck.


  • FormerMember

    And a very good point indeed... Especially as I seem to remember the last thing they get you to do before the final bit is to have a good long drink of water... After this chemo malarkey I don't particularly want to go choking on my own vomit! Mind you... It's very rock star ish... Bon Scott.. Jon bonham et al!