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  • Oh well still here! Or Yippee I made it


    So two days later. Christmas done, emotions dealt recycling bins filled. 

    What's left I find myself thinking?

    Hmm answers on a postcard please to: London W1A 4WW.

    I guess I need to set some new targets. OK obviously. New Year 1st. Daughter s 18th on February would be wonderful

    Treatment in a bit of limbo at the moment. However someone must be planning something as they called and a sled…

  • Initial thoughts and warnings!


    I thought I'd start a blog to stop me cluttering up  Incurables with too many threads as my mind spews out bullshit at a remarkably fast rate.

    Mixed emotions this morning, still haven't figured them out myself. The words "No you definately won't see Christmas" have rung through my head on an hourly basis since my Oncologist muttered them to me four days before my 55th birthday in late August.
