Last diagnostic test results

2 minute read time.

So I had my PET-CT results and my examination under anaesthesia today. 

The latter involved leaving home at 6am, hungry, thirsty and looking awful (no make-up is not a good look on me) in order to have a general anaesthetic (sooo pleased it was a general as I needed a good sleep). Whilst under general my consultant checked my cervix, bladder and bowel for any signs of the cancer having spread.
I am so relieved to say that all results were as positive as I could have hoped for; yes I still have cancer (that would have been some christmas miracle or really bad joke if they had said no cancer) but the cancer has not spread any further and only the lymph nodes in my groin are affected.

The procedure was fairly short, about 40 minutes and they were great and gave me pain meds, anti-sickness and antibiotics and I woke up feeling fuzzy but ok. I even went home and looked after my son straight away and did some cooking and bottle making. 

Then my body decided to remind me that I had had surgery and that I am not 100% and that I had overdone things. I am writing this lying on my bed resting having had stomach cramps, diarrhoea, nausea, chemical taste in mouth, cystitis, dizziness, back/hip pain, bleeding and a partridge in a pear tree (think there may be a christmas No.1 there?! Anyone got a number for Simon Cowell?! )
So as I lie here feeling a little sorry for myself, waiting to take next lot of pain and cystitis medication, I am thinking about the next step in my journey; meet the clinical oncologist who will be performing my treatments. 

During my appointment with her on Thursday I think I want her to answer a couple of questions: what treatments will I be having?; how many treatments will I have?; what days and times will I have treatments?; what should I do/not do during treatment?; what side effects can I expect and which ones should I worry about?; what can I do to prevent/manage side effects? how will they know if treatments are working? and finally, what happens if treatments don't work?

Poor oncologist, maybe I should send her a link to this so she can come to the appointment prepared
