Almost 2 months after Mum passed

Less than one minute read time.

I'm finding things difficult, still. I have good and bad days and on top of those really bad days, sometimes. I have found an outlet in the gym and lifting weights again. I missed my session today and I'm sure that contributed to having a bad day.

I'm still at Mum's bungalow surrounded by memories and at night things overwhelm me so much more. It's always when it's quiet, isn't it? I start a new job on Monday, so hopefully things will be looking up for me :)

Nothing can replace my Mum, but I know she wouldn't want me to mope around for the rest of my life, she'd say 'you did enough of that as a teenager' to me if she were still here :)

I laid in bed last night replaying her las moments and hoping she was at peace and just replaying the last few days, really... I've been told it's the brains way of processing things... so I'm doing a lot of processing when I'm supposed to be going to sleep, which is very upsetting.

Anyway, enough for now, I'll be back soon :)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ian,

    I have just joined this group today and yours is the first blog I have read, I am on my last radiotherapy session this evening. Your blog has broken my heart and at one point I was going to just switch off and not continue reading anymore.

    I knew I had cancer before the dr confirmed it, when it was confirmed my only thoughts I had were for my children, I am one of the lucky ones and hopefully will recover from this.

    I cannot begin to feel your pain, but your mum as most mums would, would want you to live life to the full, live, love and laugh. You will never forget your mum, but please try to think positive and remember all the happy times you shared, do a charity run in memory of her, she will always be close to your take care