Snakes and ladders

  • Devastated

    So last entry was hooray , back to earth with a massive bump. My youngest sons best friends mum had breast cancer almost 5 years ago , and found out last week it has re-appreared in her liver and spine. She didn't want me to know , but my son has told me , partly for his own sanity I think. 

    How totally crap is this disease , why is there so much re-currence ? She had both breasts removed and has no breast cancer…

  • Hooray!

    Hooray for today ! apparently my FSH is now what is expected of a woman of my age and menopausal state, so there is no need for the ovary suppression or removal. I didn't realise it but I have been quite anxious about it all. Herceptin no 16 tomorrow (27th Sept), Muga scan next week, hopefully all will still be good, and then Herceptin no 17 and 18 to come, and then last proper visit to the oncologist on the 19th December…

  • Normal life ?

    Yesterday I had a review with my boss at work, mainly just to ask how I had been these last twelve months and looking ahead to the next ones - as I went through what had happened to me, it became apparent how much actually has happened, and how boring my life is now starting to  become (in a good way!) It was Herceptin jab no 14 last week and I almost forgot I had it, and whilst sat in the chemo waiting room, for the properly…

  • Tamoxifen and ovary suppression

    Just an update , saw my oncologist today and she says my oestrogen is extremely low (very good) but my brain signals are still not switching off my ovaries - I am 52 you would think they would have given up by now ! So another set of blood tests in 3 months to check again and may have the option of injection or oophrectomy to remove my ovaries - what she did say was that she would still keep me on Tamoxifen as recent…

  • Ten months after diagnosis

    Just an update as I've only just worked out how to use this properly ! Chemo was finished on 26th January , although I didn't experience any sickness I had some horrible side effects , blistered hands , sore and cracked feet , bloody nose , strange brown markings on my palms , and then anninfection in my nails which was horrific. Last week (almost five months this post chemo) my toe nails decided to fall off , just in…