Raw emotions

Less than one minute read time.

I had my first experience of how watching loved ones fighting cancer and going through treatment affects people emotions and perspectives. 

Her mum is obviously not coping at the moment and went from a woman and mother into a teenager having a screaming tantrum. 

I completely understand how something so small triggered such raw emotions but on the flip side I was so cross to see how her mum had upset her so much with the hurtful words that were said. 

I went straight to the hospital after her mum had walked out saying she may not visit the next day, to find her sat on the edge of the bed devastated and weeping.

She crumbled into me for a cuddle and as I held her head my hands filed with her hair. 

I spent the night at the hospital on those ridiculous reclining chairs that are as hard as the floor, to give her some comfort of someone being there for her. 

I am still in shock that this outburst was so self consuming and harmful. 

I'm hoping her mum will allow me to offer her some support from our local cancer support worker.... It's ok to need help. 
