Hi - First Post

2 minute read time.

Okay, here I am writing  a blog.. never done it before in my life - I can talk for England but can I actually write? mmmmm.. okay, potted history coming up now - dodgy breast with nipple pointing downwards, scared the life out of me but my doctor didn't seem that concerned - I mean it was pointing south and it normally sat pretty much in the middle of the compass... suggested that at my age I should go for my mammogram.. thank god I did, biopsy later, breast cancer... but not that bad.. next appointment .. bad - mastectomy of right breast, but should get rid of it... next appointment - spread to lymph nodes and all removed!!! bloody hell... next appointment... spread to bones and other lymph nodes... ok, now I'm really scared. But... its treatable. So why do I feel so lonely... I have sussed it out. I know from statistics that 1 in 8 women have this...so when I am out shopping I look around and put it into perspective.. but for the life of me I can't seem to meet anyone 'like me' - where are these 1 in 8 women!!. So thought I'd do this instead.  First I want to say that I feel like I have joined a club - I didn't want to join and certainly didn't look for it online but hey, I got my pack and my cheap parking and free prescriptions and here I am.. what I have learnt is that when you join you meet the most amazing people - consultants, nurses, OT's, others etc etc - and I cannot praise them enough. Me, I'm a blubbering mess when I go for my 4 monthly check ups and my consultant is calm with a cuddle and a smile, truthful but 'normal' at the same time and I trust her... my monthly treatments, I'm treated like a queen, massages, chats, art clubs and relaxation.. so why do I feel so lonely. Because I am not in control.. my body is and there is nothing I can do about it... end of... and there is noone that can tell me how long I will feel like this - could be couple of years, could be 20 years.. but 'could be' is the issue..... okay, potted history over... and enjoyed writing this.. what can I give back for all the support I am getting, cos I ain't never gona have the fitness to climb a mountain.. if it is just this, then so be it.. I'll see if anyone reads and likes, loads more to write.. oh and love to you all.... xx

  • FormerMember

    Yes you can write and I enjoyed reading your blog. Lots of resonance there for me. Xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi goldiecat

    Enjoyed reading your 'potted history' it's cathartic to spoon it from the pot and get it out there so to speak :)

    Do please carry on with the next update, people do read these blog posts even if they don't always comment. You may never have the fitness to climb mountains, so you have to visit places where there aren't any, cancer cause changes like that :-/

    Have you thought about joining and posting in the Breast Secondary Group (link) There are loads of ladies just like you (the other 1 in 8) who will support you on your tough 'what if' days and who you can support on theirs.

    Hugs, G n' J