Patience is a virtue

1 minute read time.

So today has been another good day.  Mum wanted to go Christmas shopping, it was a lovely idea and a great way to spend some quality time together.  We set off with a plan, to just visit one shop.  If you read my last blog you'll be aware that mums health has deteriorated in the last few weeks.  Her walking and mobility has declined but she is such a determined and positive person.  I am incredibly proud of her.

I managed to find a car parking space near the shop so I thought I was winning given that it's 'black Friday'.  You'd think the shops were only open for one day of the year haha!

Then the frustration began.  Not on mums or my part we were quite happy looking around at all the presents and having a laugh at some of the funny ones.  What I found was how impatient, disrespectful and ignorant some can be.  Mum was finding it difficult to navigate through the shop and had to hold on to me for balance.  People were actually tutting at her as they obviously felt that she was in their way or taking too long.  She might look young but she is quite obviously ill. It took mum most of her energy and positivity to leave the house let alone walk round a shop!  In the 'modern world' everyone rushes around trying to tick to do lists off.  As a modern society have some people really lost sight of compassion and respect?

We still had a really lovely day but it's made me more aware than ever that not everyone understands what struggles a person is going through in daily life.  Which is why support groups and blogs are really important. It's a sounding board and also a way of connecting people who understand what you are going through.  Hope you all have a good day x
