
1 minute read time.

So.....it's been over a week since mum died and my last post was titled final chapter but I still want to write. Maybe it will help, it might not but anythings worth a go. And is also fuelled by a wee Beveridge but here goes.

Mum had a rare form of brain tumour which no one has been known to survive .........ever.

Yet even when mum was ill in intensive care and the doctors were having conversations with us about withdrawing medication etc I still never gave up hope. Through all the dark days following her diagnosis and through her final week I clung on to hope. It got me through some pretty dark times.  Anyone affected by cancer has to have hope. Mum never once sat back and had self pity she always put us first. She was strong brave positive and the days she felt ill if someone asked her how she was the reply was always I'm fine.  Qualities I hope that I have taken from her.

Never give up hope. Mum defied the odds, most people don't survive past 3 months with her diagnosis she battled on for more than double that and lived life to the full. 

For those living with cancer no matter in what capacity those diagnosed with cancer family friend carer - in mums memory live life to the full, be positive, look after each other, cherish each other, tell your loved ones you love them, hug each other spend quality time with each other. Have no regrets and hold on to precious memories.  There is nothing more precious than life and loved ones.

I have no idea how I will cope over the coming days weeks and months. But I have so many memories and no regrets.
