
1 minute read time.

So today I went back to work after a week off.  I have never felt so guilty in my life! It's a rock and a hard place situation, I need to work to pay the bills but mum also needs my support at home.  I'm at the stage just now where I'm petrified to leave her side in case something happens, what I don't know its just an anxious feeling.  I also want to spend as much time as possible with her as I know that at some point in the near future I won't be able to.

Work was so busy that I didn't get the chance to call home to make sure everything was ok.  Thankfully when I got home they'd coped!

It was interesting to read some blogs on carer's rights a couple of days ago.  I think I really need to study my rights as an employee more.  Don't get me wrong my work were extremely understanding at the beginning allowing me some time off.  However since then it genuinely feels like I am just an employee not an individual.  It feels like when I ask for time off to take mum to hospital I am inconveniencing them or that I am their employee 'problem child'. The boss seems to forget, or just ignore, whats happening at home.  Or maybe just doesnt know how to deal with it.  

Whatever happens I need to quickly figure out a way to balance work and home life.  Somehow I don't think that I'm alone with this dilemma or that its going to be an easy task!

  • FormerMember

    Morning GlassHalfFull

    Caring and a Work / Life balance is a very common issue for carers so please be easy on yourself with the guilt thing. You can only spread yourself around and do so much before it gets to you emotionally :(

    Noticed you said you have read some blogs on Carers Rights don't know if the Macmillan information page was included in this ? I have placed the link so you could have a read through it.

    Maybe you should join the Carers Groupand create a New Discussion with an appropriate title asking about carers work rights you would get plenty of replies from those with experience of this.

    Hope this is of some help, take care, G n' J

  • FormerMember

    Thanks g n j it's good to know that there's other people out there who are feeling / experiencing the same thing. I find it really difficult to talk about things sometimes, especially when it's as deep as the topics on here so I thought writing a blog might help me get my emotions out. If people read it and it helps them too then even better. Ive joined the carer's group now like you suggested thanks for your kind words, it helped.

  • FormerMember

    Hi GlassHalfFull

    You are more than welcome - This site is so vast it takes some time to realise what else is here that can help and get yourself settled in the best areas for your own particular situation.

    You get caught up in the 24/7 carer scenario not noticing that someone has to care for the carer too.

    Don't hesitate creating a New Discussion in the Carers Group, they are a lovely bunch and are all so willing to help support each other because they know first hand what turmoil this can create.

    Please carry on with your blog if it helps you, most find it very cathartic just typing all the angst out and as you mention it does help others new to all this find they are not alone in all this.

    Hugs, G n' J