Duvet day

Less than one minute read time.

I want today to be a duvet day where I can hide from the whole world and not have to face my life. A day where I could hide under the duvet and cry and scream until all the emotions of my broken heart are gone. Broken heart from mums diagnosis and a broken heart from a broken relationship.

I wish I could but someone invented work and capitalism.......... so today I will have to get up, go to work, hide when I cry, probably eat too much chocolate then get to hide again when work is over. sleep eat work cry repeat.

  • FormerMember

    Reading your post was like reading something I'd wrote myself.

    I got home the other night, sat on the bedroom floor at what must of been 6pm, started crying and next thing I new it was 10pm and id be sobbing the whole time.

    Sometimes a good cry is needed, we cant hold in these feelings forever. If you feel broken, cry it out! let it all out,scream if you have to. Dont let anyone tell you that you cant, because you need to deal with it YOUR way!

    Once youve had your cry, find your strength again, pick yourself back up and put on a brave face for your mum.

    You can do this! xxx

  • FormerMember

    Well said Charlotte xxx.