A Titful Wonder in the Middle of Nowhere

  • Preparing for the unknown - trying to cement some facts


    It's a rum thing that in 11 days since I last blogged, I am not really any further forward than I was before, except a huge amount has happened.

    At the time of last writing, I had just had three more biopsies and I was waiting for results, with some positivity but a sense that at least one of the biopsies would come out as problematic. 

    I called my nurse specialist the day after blogging, to see if I could piece together…

  • Macmillan as my first port of call


    Over the last week, since the start of the diagnosis, I have been hard at work getting used to being a 'vulnerable individual'.  I'm very used to being strong for others, vocally campaigning with civil and human rights groups, and more recently battling for my own rights, so the idea of being a 'vulnerable individual' sits pretty oddly.  And as I've told everyone, nothing's happened yet.  This…

  • Second biopsies - One radiologist and his markers


    Back to the Borders General Hospital on 11 November, a few days after initial diagnosis, to have the second lot of biopsies.  There was a delay because the radiologist was being thorough with all the patients before me, which I was more than happy about.  I would want everyone to have as much time taken over them as I would hope for myself.  So I had time to sit and organise my thoughts a bit, sort out lists of whom to contact…

  • Results Part 1 - nurse versus pathology report


    On Monday 07 November I saw the nurse specialist to get my results.  I was already clear that I was going to be told The Lump was cancerous so when she said it was, I was not even vaguely suprised.  I confessed I had done some internet trawling and the nurse was unimpressed as it might overwhelm and confuse me more than I needed.  (Fair point, but I know I work better having some grasp on the language and ideas that will…

  • The first MRI - knowing my mood music


    The following week on 03 November, I went for my MRI at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh.  I was winning right from the word go because I got a parking space in seconds.

    I've had MRIs before.  When I was a lot younger, I signed up to a neurology experiment that paid a few quid, where I had my brain scanned for about an hour at a time over several sessions.  About a decade ago I did my shoulder in and had an…