Still sinking in...

1 minute read time.

We knew it was going to be a cancer diagnosis before we got to the hospital 3 days ago. After CT scans, MRI scans and a biopsy, and knowing that nearly everything else had been ruled out, it wasn't really a matter of "is it Cancer?" but more a question of how 'bad'. That, however, didn't stop the whole world spinning around me as the specialist said that word to us... "cancer". 

My Ned has Cancer.

Three days later, my world is still spinning. I have calm moments, I have sad moments, and I have panicked terrified moments. In my calm moments I can remind myself that the specialist was confident that it could be treated, and that 80% of cases like Ned are treated successfully. In my sad moments I struggle to think of the future and instead my mind tends to focus on our history, on the happy teens who met in college and have been together ever since, of our wedding 7 years ago, the ups and the downs, all of it tinged with terrible sadness I can't even put into words. And then comes the worst moments.. the terrified moments that make it hard to breathe. The moments that remind me the if 80% of cases are treated successfully, then 20% are not. The moments that hit me with the fact that the next few months are going to be terrible, with Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy and a whole host of other horrors. My Ned is going to be in pain, he is going to be ill and he is going to be scared, and there is nothing I can do to fix it. 

I am hoping that putting my thoughts, feelings, fears into this blog, that I might be able to be calmer more often. If I can organise them into words perhaps they will be more manageable.

  • FormerMember

    I can understand a little bit about how you feel. My husband was diagnosed with non Hodgkin's lymphoma in in Sep. He was fit and well and never poorly. I was devastated and simply could not process what the doctors were telling us. I understand those 'waves' of gripping fear that is overwhelming.

    He has had 2 chemo treatments so far and has started to experience some pretty nasty side effects. I feel helpless. I have to try to keep strong for the sake of my son but sometimes I just feel like I'm dying inside. I try so hard to be positive. Not easy.

  • FormerMember

    Very powerful and thank you for being so honest and candid about the awful events unfolding for both of you.

    If you go onto the groups for your husbands type of cancer and ask questions about treatments etc, 6you won't get flowered responses yet the brutal honestly will help you to know what to expect in the coming months.

    My love to you and yours and I hope that treatment spares both of you the side effects as many are lucky enough not to have major issues. Best wishes.

  • FormerMember

    Thank you to you both for your kind comments. I pressed "like", though "On the beach" please don't think that was insensitive to the issues you described, it sounds like you are really having a hard time :(

    I do intend to go onto the groups, I just haven't found the right words really. I don't have any questions as such, just lots of confusion that there are no answers to. I have been reading a lot of other peoples discussions though, it is comforting to know that we are not alone... even though it is equally sad that so many others are going through this.
