Jacs Tales...

  • Spiritual Uplift...


    A Chum Kidnapped me to St Peter & St Pauls Church tonight in Mansfield for a Christian "Healing & Wholeness Service" ...been uplifted by it very, very deeply...Not Afraid Aaaaanymore! Whatever...

  • Fearful & Pained..


    Lumpectomy not a success & Masectomy & Lymph Node Removal scheduled for Fri 25/11...Bad Enuf, but had a Bone Marrow Biopsy yesterday for Lymphoma condition. Cos I'm skinny, nothing for local anaesthetic to numb (& u can't numb bone...). When Doc went into skin, he said "bone is hanging out...." Passed out wiv pain & all hell broke loose...never, ever, had pain like it in my life...just hope they got enuf bone marrow to…

  • Can it Get Any Worse???


    Sooo...Already fighting Breat Cancer, gotta Cyst on my Spine also...

    Update to Mon...Lumpectomy has not got all the Cancer...gotta have a Masectomy & Removal of all associated Lymph Nodes (found Cancer in them too...)

    Today seen a Haematologist & Diagnosed wiv Lymphoma!!! Told me "if your gonna have Blood Cancer..best one to have" For Gods Sake!!! Gimme a rest....