time is getting short

1 minute read time.

After being stable for months, suddenly time is short. Hubby started with end of life type systoms. The GP says he could go rapidly or continue on his slow decline. I'm relieved and distressed all at the same time. 

He is sleeping now. The palutive care team have just been out to help settle him after a very shaky episode. That will be his second fit so far. Its distressing for us both. I feel this one was my fault but of coarse it wasn't.. Seems like our up and down marriage is coming to a natural end.. I  never expected it to be this way. Men I love usually dye of heart disease. He's always been one to be different. I just hope this is not the start of a new trend for our family.

I cant even admit to myself how much I'm going to miss the grumpy old sod. He's lead me a merry dance over the last 40 yrs.. Then this last 12 months from staritng to try get a diagnosis to now we have grown to rely on each other again. I have remembered and found the guy I first fell in love with. I'm glad I have been able to accompany on this sad road, we really are coming to a dead end soon.

Night night  

  • FormerMember

    I'm sorry about how you feel, I have cancer I lost my husba in January of this year of a mass heart attack.Then I had to move in with my mom a month after.then I was diagnosed with tongue cancer. I'm 57 and was married 27 years, I'm not afraid to die but I don't want to have them cut my tongue half out or all the way out. Then no guarantees it won't come back ,I can't take radiation or chemo because of my liver.so I'm kinda between a rock and a hard place. God healed my liver and that's what ive been thinking my best bet is on God . If he heals me I know I'm fixed and if he doesn't I'll just take that as I get out of last years taxes that my husband didn't ever have enough taxes held! Only thing that will upset me is if I have to spend eternity with the man that caused me to have to live with my mom again.

    my cancer sped up probably 4x the rate is was growing before I had to move in here.

    i hope you both get to have a nice peaceful time when the time comes.

  • FormerMember


    ThThank you for your kind words. I see you,'re in the thick of it yourself. There are some hard choices along this cancer road . Blessings x