Middle of the night

  • a good death


    Sadly my Husband did die not long after my last post dated 15th July. The doctor was right the end came ten days later. His death could not have been sweeter. At home close family gathered through the day, with the murmur of our conversation washing over him. Everyone giving him reassuring and unconditional love. He passed away just before midnight as I was dozing....the room because quite. No more the sound of laboured…

  • time is getting short


    After being stable for months, suddenly time is short. Hubby started with end of life type systoms. The GP says he could go rapidly or continue on his slow decline. I'm relieved and distressed all at the same time. 

    He is sleeping now. The palutive care team have just been out to help settle him after a very shaky episode. That will be his second fit so far. Its distressing for us both. I feel this one was my fault…



    HI ALL, 

    I write this blog in the middle of the night for myself really. To get things unsaid off my chest, I'm really pissed off I am going to have to cancel my longed for holiday with my young grandchildren. All because my husband has not had the grace to shuffel of his mortal coil yet.  From the results and consultations we had I should be a widow by now and free to live. In stead I'm stuck caring for my husband…

  • getting used to this :(


    here we are in the middle of the night again. Said to hubby at ten I'm tried leys go to bed and here I am at 2.15am wide awake.

    this evening we have beed out with close family for a curry. Hubby only managed to eat a couple of mouthfulls. Looking at him then his bother is heart breaking. Guess I'm so used to seeing my white as a sheet  bag of bones husband, I think thats the normal look !

    I'm greatful he is still…

  • SIX MONTHS ON (till death do us part)


    Wow, six months on from the shocking Six months to live pronaucment and my Hubby is still alive and not too poorly. Tomorrow is his  58th birthday and I'm so glad he is still with me.

    Are marriage has had its ups and downs but in these last few months we seem to be growing closer. I'm not so angry with him for not being the person I want him to be. This makes for a happier home. I''m glad I stuck around and didn't…