Small Steps

1 minute read time.

Well a few days have past since I attempted my first blog. I do most things on my phone and it is taking me a while to get to grips with how this sight works on my mobile.

Can I just say thank you to those that have commented. I would comment back but haven't worked that out yet! :-)!

Life is extremely difficult when someone so influential in your life passes away. It would seem that you never quite know when the jaws of grief are going to ascend. My life is changing rapidly at the moment and the jaws have bitten me. 

I am struggling to motivate myself, all I want to do is sleep and stay in bed, I am comfort eating and drinking and I am putting on weight but every day is a day my dad didn't have. I struggle that he is not here but he wouldn't want me to be like this. Now that is totally easier said than done. So each day I am just going to force myself to do something. However small that something may be!! Today, as much as I could just stay in bed with the curtains closed watching TV, I am going to force myself to go for a swim. 

Small steps is all I have when I feel like this. The massive changes in my life at the moment are scary and they have highlighted my grief that I haven't taken time to deal with. I could run and hide from it all but small steps are better!! 
  • FormerMember

    Ah swimming, I've been meaning to start that up again for the last two years. Did you make it? I'm new to the community and not technically in the bereavement group despite many losses in our family due to cancer. I really hope things improve, there was a touch of defiance in your blog. Good to see your smile. zz

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Zz. I did make it swimming, it was a shock to the system and the whole walk there I was thinking, 'nobody will know if I just don't go', but I stayed determined and once in the pool I was glad I had made the effort. i even made it for a coffee afterwards. Small steps!! Are you are doing ok?