the ride so far

2 minute read time.

Well I'm still here and reading through my earlier blogs I have now realised that I got myself over worked up .

I am due to have my 3rd chemo of 6 on the 4th Jan  I'm amazed I am already on number 3 times gone so fast  and to be honest it hasn't been half as bad as I thought it was going to be .

First chemo was a nightmare due to having roid rage and wanting to kill people and  fight my hubby ha ha bless him I don't think that's something he will ever forget and when he tells people they look at me with wide eyes as I am a quite calm person as a rule . 

Even ate half a big mac which may not sound bad but I have been a veggie since I was 11  but I was so high I just wanted to eat everything kfc, pizza hut , mars bars nothing was safe .

I had a 2 day stay in hospital but strangely being there gave the kick up the butt I needed .

Yes I am being treated for cancer but there's so many more people that are worse off then me  I can have this treatment and get better and get on with my life so many others don't have the option of treatment as it wont  change their life path sadly .

Second chemo was a lot better  had a minimum amount of steroids so happy to say no roid rage and having the picc line was great as no pains in the arm during the treatment and no needles which was a huge bonus . Had they normal 2/3 days of sleeping  then its onwards and upwards from there .

I have set up my own private face book page which my close friends and family are on and I post a silly photo of myself on thanks to snapchat . Its good to be able to have a giggle about  it and it also helps my family and friends to see I am ok  as they do worry .

I find it really strange to be told I am a inspiration and i'm so brave  in my eyes i'm just being me and getting on with it .

I am not one to sit and feel sorry for myself .I have a life to live and i'm going to live it .

The wig is called Edna and she has had a few outings but to be fair I am happier with a little hat on ,

I tried the headscarves but felt I need a crystal ball as it make me look like a fortune teller  my kids are happy with my naked head at home so I am happy with that .

Hair wise  head hair has gone , leg hair has gone , under arm hair has gone, other hair had gone  and eye brows are leaving home as I type .

I have booked me and my oldest daughter a make over at the no7 counter in boots today so I am looking forward to that as I have never been one to wear make up  but I will admit without hair and half a eyebrow I could do with a little lesson .

I believe very strongly that you can either let the cancer run your life or you can stand up and show it the one finger salute I know which I am doing  :)

Maria xx
