Recovery - week 1 (post dated)

5 minute read time.

Hallucinations, water boarding and class a drugs

Almost a week since surgery and although there has been huge progress, the brutality of this disease has become abundantly clear ( despite this version being one of the better cancers to get. ( based on very limited research on my behalf relating to death likelihood… So basically fact! ). You simply can’t get through it without equally brutal treatment. As a close friend has since put though, “it would have been embarrassing  if it had been easy after all that fuss!” Despite all the various reassurances I’ve had  in the last few weeks, it had become obvious to me that the tumour had morphed into something far bigger more invasive than first hoped. If I’m honest though, being any more prepared this week wouldn’t have helped a single bit. If I’d know the pain coming, I would have runaway and hidden somewhere and probably cried. (Hay fever!) A week on i’m genuine glad I’m here and not there still.


Saturday was great, amazing dinner at the Langham nearby…. Jo have you paid them yet btw? Followed by a cheeky couple of beers in a local sam smith’s pub The Dover Castle where jo promises she had pre-arranged for Noel Fielding, Ross Noble and various other BBC comedians to be there already…. Try it out if you’re coming up this week, the chat will be better at the hospital though!

About 11, headed back to the hospital for some suitably surprised looks from hospital staff still needing to do some tests. “I’m here now aren’t I!?”

Sunday was a blur: one minute I’m walking down to the theatre in paper pants and the next I’m clearly off my face on ketamine, morphine and various other drugs moaning in my head as to why they hadn’t started the surgery yet… They had! I have saved the notes of gibberish that I was apparently “communicating” with staff, jo and my dad though post op.

First goal achieved: they said it would be around 14 hours in surgery, I was out in 12, winning! Second (2 part goal): Deal with this whole thing with good humour and dignity. ( left the dignity in those paper pants and notepads on day 1 sadly.)

Day 2 and 3 followed a similar pattern to previous surgeries I’ve had: a )get all excited initially that nothing hurts and you’ve got some great new best mates in all the hospital staff and that you are in fact amazing followed by b)the grim realisation that enough drugs to take down a wildebeest is coming back to haunt you in the form of a comedown very soon. Day 3… Always day 3! Drugs go away, pain, self loathing and despair pay a cheeky little visit ( for about 3 days).

Confession time

If you have been getting updates from Jo or my dad re my progress, they will tell you I have been a model patient. This is a lie: I have been showing off at the right times. (Just don’t tell them). I basically get 1-1 nursing here which means overall now with 2 shifts a day i think I’ve had in the region of 10 nurses. 5 are still talking to me, 2 now seem to be on indefinite leave and a further 3 haven’t been seen anywhere. Spoiler alert: some nurses can be dicks ( just like everyone else). As I’ve not been able to speak as yet though, my comms system has been simple: wink or thumbs up generally means “thanks””yes” “your’re the best” “please” etc. Any other facial expression, hand signals or launching of medical equipment means “get away from me you incompetent dick and find someone that can help!” Coming next week: why some Buddhist monks are also dicks.

Update, I’ve since seen one of the missing nurses and we agreed that she was indeed wrong and I am a model patient… Fact. Quick political note: massive reliance on agency nursing staff within the private sector which from my perspective at least hugely affects continuity of care and trust, especially in scary situations like this. Overall though, all the staff that have helped me in this first week have been incredible. Thanks!

Things I have had in my body this week: 

Other people’s hands

Other people’s blood

A saw

Botox  (I shit you not)

Stitches (many)


Tracheostomy tube

Central line ( seen this on casualty) into groin/femur.

3 X drains ( mahaassive big needles … Let ‘s call them swords, that I can only draw solace from the fact they must have hurt even more going in!)

With regards to pain management, I need to know how much things are going to hurt. Surprises are bad. Here’s the key I’ve learnt so far to the “will it hurt” question:

  • just a little scratch: meaning, yes it’s going to hurt but you’re in hospital and I’m just doing my job so stop being pathetic.
  • it may hurt a little: hell yes it’s going to hurt
  • Take a deep breath: you will not have felt pain like this many times before in your lifetime. (Not even stubbing your toe or slipping onto the crossbar of your bmx come close.)
  • take a number of deep breaths: you even need to ask? Call this revenge for questioning my ability the other night.
  • yes: basically you are about to arrive in hell.

The headline at the top btw is no exaggeration. For the first 2 days, whenever I closed my eyes I would hallucinate  very strange images to the point that whenever the small talk got tedious with staff etc, I’d find myself closing my eyes just to see what came next. Haven’t worked out if it was the ketamine or the morphine but just say no kids, drugs are bad ( mostly!) . Btw, if you’re planning on visiting anyone in hospital, especially if they can’t talk, walk, eat, drink or write, work on your small talk or learn a magic trick perhaps. Talking of magic tricks I can now offer any visitors amazing impressions of Darth Vader, Jeremy Beadle,  (nerve damage to hands during surgery) Donald Duck, motor boats, Stephen Hawking’s slightly retarded younger brother prototype and  guantanamo bay residents.

The water boarding refers to having an open hole in your throat, whilst gargling on your own body fluids at 3 am in the morning whilst everyone else looks at each other in puzzled fashion. Too much detail? Too soon? No pics at least I promise.

You’ve probably noticed that this post has dragged on longer than the others and possibly slightly darker. Just too much bloody time on my Jeremy Beadle hands.Thanks for all the messages though, they’ve really helped even if I haven’t always been lucid or dexterous enough to reply to them and special thanks to jo and my dad who have dragged themselves in every day only to be greeted by an often miserable / asleep /tripping mess of a human being. Familiar faces really are helping ( even if you have 3 heads each, battling with minotuars and riding unicycles.

I’ll leave you with the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard this week (other than where does it hurt… ): “Do you have your own Botox or would you like us to supply?” Only in Harley street (I bloody hope!)

  • Central Line into your groin? Has anybody told TFL that their underground trains have been diverted?

  • FormerMember

    Ahhh Stevie C reading your blog really has cheered me up (sorry to feel upbeat at your expense). But what a fantastic way to describe how you are feeling, and sharing your experience and far better than moaning about the whole situation. 

    Let me introduce myself I am Steve and recently been diagnosed with Oraphangeal Cancer (head and neck) in August 2016. I have so far received 1 of 3 cycles of intense chemo and when I say intense its 3 different types of chemo they are poisoning me with at the same time so in all fairness i'v felt better.. But like you I have tried to make light of the whole situation. Whilst receiving treatment I have to be admitted for 6 days at a time into an excellent hospital, not private but the next best thing in my opinion the staff and facilities are excellent but without sounding ungrateful the longest 6 days of my life of flu type symptoms along with the feeling of the worst hangover ever along with being run over by a fully laden dustbin lorry.. That about sums up how I was feeling on day 3. This along with sleep deprivation, constipation a really horrible taste in my mouth and a lady in the ward opposite me constantly shouting for a nurse or ringing her buzzer. I swear if id have had the strength I would have been paying her a visit with a pillow in my hands (joking)!! or am I?

    Seriously though Its been great to read your blog - I have been updating friends etc through my facebook page and writing about my own experience hopefully helping others and feeding some sort of knowledge through to people and hopefully not putting people off with the info on the treatment but to beat this you literally have to be put on the floor and kicked whilst down there but if that what it takes to nail this then so be it.

    Your own situation sounds pretty grim I've got to be honest what with all the things you have had to go through but your strength shines through in your posts mate and I only hope I can be as strong as you later in treatment as after my cycles of chemo I then have to endure chemo radiation which I am told is no picnic. I have heard horror stories of burning throat, not being able to swallow, saliva being like treacle, destroyed taste buds, having to be fed through a tube etc etc so something to look forward to.. NOT!! But it does mean a curative result so I'll take whats coming, well I have two choices either take it or die..Simples..

    Anyway I wish you all the very best and will of course keep an eye out for your next instalment. The very best of luck and wish you a speedy recovery.


  • FormerMember

    Holy shit Stevie 5617, it certainly doesn't sound much of a picnic that you're going through, certainly not one I'd accept an invite to anyway. My surgery was a bitch, there's no denying it but I was lucky to get away without needing radio or chemo against the odds for now. So you know, I'm posting these blogs retrospectively and am now making really good progress. If it helps in any way, they told me to expect similar lovely side effects after surgery about taste buds, tube feeding, unable to swallow, saliva, loss of sensation, muscle loss etc etc. Whilst I experienced all of these to some extent (the constant treacly saliva was pretty grim for a while) it was relatively short lived and now almost 4 months on, It seems a hell of a long time ago. The chemo radio combo sounds horrific but if you like me can expect to be cured by the end of it (in my case the surgery seems to have been unusually 100% effective), then I guess you take it right but Jesus, what a bastard to go through. Sounds like you have strength and determination by the shedload (not least by not killing the coughing girl) and this will come in sooooo handy for your friends and family in particular which in turn will help you worry less about them - that was true for me in any case. for added motivation though, promise yourself that when you're strong enough, you'll track that coughing, attention seeking girl down and give her a Chinese burn at least! Be strong dude and stay in touch with how you're getting on. Ps, the Ryder cup starts soon if you're into golf and if you're not, my advice is to become more easily pleased with what you watch on tv!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Steve,

    Hope your feeling marginally well. Thanks for your response.

    Well the next batch of treatment is creeping up on me, I go back in to hospital this coming Friday for another 6 days of chemo and sleep deprivation but hey ho.. Who needs sleep!! I do.

    Reading about your recovery is very encouraging mate and I'm glad you have started to see some improving results. Its clearly a long process and patience will be required which I seem to be in short supply of but I am going to have to learn to slow down a bit. I'm just not used to it.

    The good news is the 2 weeks I have been back at home all has gone smoothly and iv had a no reactions away from hospital so far so hopefully (touch wood) the same will happen this time. The unknown is out of the way for now and at least I know whats coming with the chemo.

    Whilst your advice about being more easily pleased with whats on TV is good advice I am just not sure how much of Jezza Kyle, homes under the hammer and worse of all Judge Rinder I can take. I am however prepared this time with my iPad, earphones, sky go app and Netflix. The hospital WiFi is shocking so iv invested in my own WiFi box for the next 2 visits.

    I'll keep you posted and hope you are feeling ok.
