chemo crop, chemo drip, chemo tummy

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I started chemo last week. My nose has become a dripping tap, my tummy is a pin cushion and I am enjoying the fact I have hair for now.


  • FormerMember

    Hi KateR

    I had a runny nose with chemo. Actually my whole mouth oozed water all the first day of each treatment as well, and my stomach and lungs. I took it that my body was trying to get rid of the poison.

    It did ease off before the next session each time but not completely. It wasn't one of the things on the "possible side-effects list" so I did wonder if I should worry. But the nausea, fatigue and horrible taste in my mouth sort of took my mind off it, and as I say it did eventually go away. 

  • FormerMember

    Thanks edythuk. I seem to have a dripping nose and a dry mouth and I'm not enjoying the furry strange taste in my mouth. But others have worse side effects so I am gratefull!

  • FormerMember

    Hi, I'm due to start my chemo on Tuesday, how soon after your 1st one did things seem different?