
1 minute read time.


So, ultrasound was done, and the results were immediately suspicious, a word I would hear weekly from now on. The results were sent back to the GP and a referral was made to the Breast Unit with a consultant.

I should mention that in the mean time, my blood results came back completely normal for thyroid function, and had markers for potential anaemia. I was put on iron tablets which I managed to take for roughly 10 days before I stopped them. I was sick constantly, couldn't eat, and felt like I was in a constant panic attack.

Off I went to the consultant who confirmed that the ultrasound had showed signs of a possibility of something 'suspicious' and booked in a FNA or biopsy for the next week. This came up quickly and was a horrible experience. What a needle!

An appointment was then booked for the results of this. Turns out the sample was insufficient and I had another biopsy on the day. No preparation and a nervous fiance meant that this time was much worse. A quick panic attack and a load of local anaesthetic and it was all over. Time for a sugary tea and a lie down.
