My dodgy left side

  • Still en-route to scraggy left kidney.


    Christmas was fast approaching and I still hadn't heard anything. This time I phoned the urology CNS, no answer, so I left a message, I hate talking to a machine, makes me feel like I'm talking to myself. I arrived home from work to a message on my phone. Firstly an apology for not getting back to me sooner and to explain what they were thinking of doing next. The plan was for them to do a CT guided biopsy of the area…

  • Third Stop - Scraggy LEFT Kidney ;)


    Where was I? Oh yes, August 2015 :)

    After numerous phone calls and messages to the Thyroid oncologists secretary I finally received the long awaited letter from them. Yes I thought, I may finally be able to reduce my medication and begin to feel somewhere near normal (normal for me that is haha ). I should really stamp that phrase 'don't count your chickens before they're hatched,' on my forehead. The letter started off…

  • Next stop - Thyroid Madness


    Just read through previous attempted blogs that I wrote and I don't know where my head was because I can't make head nor tail of them :) 

    The summer of 2012 was amazing, one of those proud mummy moments, (my son would curl up with embarrassment if he was to read that lol ). The local PCSO had nominated my youngest to be an Olympic torchbearer. Personally I didn't think he stood a cat in hell's chance but was so…

  • First stop on my journey


    Don't really get the gist of blogs so will just write and hope for the best :) 

    (Lung Cancer) I'd been feeling low on energy for a few months but put it down to me working 2 jobs 7 days a week and the fact I was nearing the dreaded menopausal age. I was coughing a lot and again I dismissed it to overusing my voice in both my jobs (I was a swimming teacher and a learning support assistant) plus having that frowned upon…