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Thank you, firstly, for anyone who is looking at this. I am 69 years old and many of you have known me over the last few years on the Lung Cancer group and The Room. I was diagnosed in January 2013 and was fortunate to have an EGFR mutation. Have been on Gefitinib since then and all seemed to be holding it at bay Four months  ago told cancer growing! Took a blood test to see if I was TDM1 positive- that's the usual further mutation, but negative for that! Since that had I/V antibiotics for Klebsiella and Psuedomonas (damn lodgers and not paying rent)! . The story continues as found that cancer was growing "again" and they thought Gefitinib was no longer working- felt infection may have given false reading on PET scan so had another one on Tuesday - plus a brain scan last week cos my leg did a few funny collapslng things recently- I do have a brain by the way- always in doubt. The big problem now seems to be that they don't feel it's possible  to get a new tissue sample to check for other mutations. Have sent oncologist a long e-mail offering my body up to open surgery for a wedge/partial lobectomy and they are having an MDT about me ( and no doubt a hundred or more) to see what can be done. SO I wait with "baited breath" to find my options next Monday.

Meanwhile, This is the human living with it bit!!! Spent 2 hours taking to Macmillan and Cancer Research - Macmillan lady superb - Cancer Research- more like an automated message service - absolutely crap! Desperately looking for ways I can suggest  to oncologist  to get a tissue sample BUT no help there.

TODAY Pissed right off after wasting two hours on phone with no help at all Okay - admit it- poured myself a couple of large vodkas!! I know, I know that is not the answer but it takes the edge off things!

All best intentions of walking my two dachshunds BUT off for a snuggle down in nice clean bed (did at least do that and all the ironing) - I have a boy of nearly 18 - say no more huh??! 

FEELING - very much as if I have hit a brick wall and stressing about appointment on Monday with oncologist, when I have to keep my cool and just stay determined/ focussed etc.

THINK - I have been very lucky so far in the fact that I was given 3-4 months in January 2014 - haven't I done well???!!  

Thank you all for listening/looking - this is my first try at blogging so really don't know the ins and outs- forgive me if I've screwed up!!

Love and Hugs  to you all and all the very best for your particular journey  Diz xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Diz, you did make me chuckle, keep it up with the blog, i look forward to more instalements. Love n stuff. Lynn 2

  • FormerMember

    Brilliant blogging Diz, love it. xx

  • FormerMember

    Hey Diz...classic...absolute bloody beaut you are. Made me chuckle reading about hairy arsed bikers, phwoar!...gonna have a gander at that site.

    As Blocker said...find out the rationale for no further biopsy....before offering up your body. Good luck on Monday...hope you get some answers and a way forward.

    Love the blog...keep at it. Cheers and happy wanderings with your Dachs.


  • FormerMember

    Best wishes for Monday Diz, Hope you get some answers and most of all a treatment plan. It's horrid having to endure the weekend with all this hanging over. I'm having steroid insomnia, hence me being awake at this crazy time of day. Hope you are tucked up on glorious slumber. xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks all for your comments and Hazel I really feel for you with the steroid insomnia! It's ORRIBLE!!! I stopped taking my one a day about a week ago - now I'm thinking that may be part of the reason I feel so shitty??? Back on it tomorrow I reckon! Following on from the Cancer Match site I had a look at the Senior Dating site - LOL!!! Not so many bikers and was totally honest,again, about the cancer - GUESS WHAT!! No responses at all tee hee! Sorts the men from the boys huh??? Have nothing more to report today - having hidden under duvet most of the day. 

    When I went to visit Skalia on her 70th I took my dakkis with me and she fell in love with them. SO yesterday she became the proud owner of a little rescue doggie - that dog has landed on her paws no doubt!! Hopefully she'll put a photo on ??? Good luck and welcome to dog-loving loony people! Happy settling in- little one - you'll have no hair by the end of the week- it will have all been stroked off!!

    Thinking of you all. Love and Hugs Diz xxx