Dizzie-wh NSCLC journey

  • Wicked wicked woman for hiding under the duvet!!!


    Thought when I started this that I would be upbeat and cheery- FAILED!!! So many apologies to all for not being consistent. Can't even remember what I said last time I was here- but quite a lot has happened since I last posted. SO HERE WE GO!!!

    Had all my three weeks of I/V antibiotics - boring and to be honest don't think it did a thing - cos still getting chest infections (which I ignore until I feel I am on the…

  • Latest news!


    Thank you, firstly, for anyone who is looking at this. I am 69 years old and many of you have known me over the last few years on the Lung Cancer group and The Room. I was diagnosed in January 2013 and was fortunate to have an EGFR mutation. Have been on Gefitinib since then and all seemed to be holding it at bay Four months  ago told cancer growing! Took a blood test to see if I was TDM1 positive- that's the usual further…