Mon 11/7/16.

1 minute read time.

Mon 11/7/16.
S. had an appetite today . Lunch was 1/2 a chopped apple , 1/2 a chopped avocado and 1/2 a chopped carrot . Not really exciting but she ate it and it stayed down . Dinner was 1/2 an apple , 1/4 of a whole cucumber and some grapes . Again , it was eaten and she didn't get sick but she went to bed at 8pm and would sleep 14 hours . Earlier in the day , we we both watching tv and a CRK ( Cancer Research UK ) ad came up . The advert voice-over said that 1 in 2 people would be told that they had cancer in their lifetime . I wondered if the irony to that little nugget of information upset S. as it did me ...since there were 2 of us in the room and 1 of us had been told that they have cancer . You could cut the atmosphere with a knife . I was quite jolly up until that point and then went introvert. Neither of us spoke for more than 90 minutes . I wonder if CRUK know how upsetting ads like that are to the ones with cancer and next-of-kin who are going through this shite ......... !!
