20/6/16 : a meeting with the surgeon

3 minute read time.

Wed 20 June.

We went to see S's surgeon to have the operation explained to us and for us to ask questions ( PMSL at this last part ). We were given a lift by S's line manager / friend . So we sat in Clinic 3 and S's had to fill in more sodding paperwork . AND THEN THE REALITY OF THE SITUATION HITS YOU AGAIN . On our right was a woman wearing a beeny hat and you knew it was due to Kimo ( YES .I KNOW IT'S NOT THE CORRECT SPELLING ) & to our right was a woman wearing a wig . I started going through my paperwork re. questions I wanted to ask . And then out comes the nurse ( to be assigned to S ) who promptly mispronounces S's surname FFS........it's FOUR bloody letters.....FOUR !!!!!!!!........with no X,Q,Z in it. I continued to go through my papers and corrected her pronounciation ..........LOUDLY ! So ......we go in , hellos and handshakes and intros ............and I want one question answered........WHAT STAGE IS THE CANCER IN ? His upshot was that until he operates he can't say ...even with CT scans. SO ......IT MORE BLOODY WAITING THEN . I had printed out about 30 question various cancer sites suggested that patients ask their surgeon and S had ticked the ones she wanted to ask . Most of mine could only be answered after the surgery . He starts to go through the procedure , I'm thinking of the question I want to ask ......THEN SOME  OTHER NURSE WEARING A MOTH-EATEN LONG CARDIGAN , ENTERS THE ROOM , DOES WHAT SHE DOES..THEN BUGGERS OFF AGAIN . So much for our feelings at this time . More chat from the surgeon , S in tears , I'm filling up too .......AND THE BLOODY TWIT IN THE CARDY WALKS IN AGAIN AND INTERRUPTS THE FLOW OF WHAT WAS BEING SAID AND THE QUESTIONS I WANTED TO ASK . I promised myself that if the twit was going to do it a third time I was going to tell her to FUCK OFF ....and I didn't care who I upset . And.........the hospital didn't send any fucking paperwork nor did the GP surgery ..and S had to go through the WHOLE F***ING STORY AGAIN . I had to correct her several times with dates , details and places as she was getting confused with all the upset of the situation and condition . 
So........it was going to be a case of 'hurry up and wait'. The op was listed for the afternoon of a day in mid July.............MORE FUCKING WAITING . NO PLACE FOR ME TO STAY IN HOSPITAL . AND WITH THE CARDY TWIT COMING INTO THE ROOM AND INTERRUPTING MY TRAIN OF THOUGHT , I HAD NOTHING TO ASK . More handshakes and goodbyes and we went off with the nurse who couldn't figure out how to pronounce 4 bloody letters of a surname . So ..this nurse now is the contact for S during this time to the op and after the op . A sort of 'welcome to your cancer' pack was given to S . But , in writing all this about her...........I had a lot of confidence in her when she told S to start being selfish. Funny that ........I told S that JACK THE RIPPER should have been sorting out the discharge letter....and all I got from S was " don't interfere . I'll do it my way. " WELL ......BUGGER ME ...!! I do hope she's not part of the Macmillan group . She did include me in the conversation and did say that if she didn't know an answer to a question , she would say so and not fob me / us off . I LIKED THAT . And that was really that ...........though....even S's line manager said that she noticed the cardigan nurse walking in and out and interrupting us. So.....a crappy Costa coffee to calm us down , a bit of social chat and medical chat and the 3 of us went back home to wait .I can't say we went back to reality because the reality was going to be in the hospital. But in saying that , we are both sometimes stepping on eggshells about the cancer at home . S has said to a friend that she is worried about me and the friend told me . I've fronted S on this and told her not to worry about me . She texted me to say " I love you and do worry . It's hard for you as well as me . "
