
1 minute read time.

Wed 1/6.
S. had been completely wiped out mentally and physically ( via what we found later to be a massive infection in her body and that it was shutting down to concentrate on fighting the infection . I had washed as best I could and had no clean clothes or toiletaries . Not relly told what was going on except for the draining of the catheter , more blood taken for tests , more temperature readings , more blood pressure tests and more pain for S. . She doesn't have the best of veins to take blood from and she cried in pain when the medical staff tried so hard not to hurt her when trying to take blood . Her hand and arm became so bruised . The kidney readings were going right way , from 600 to 300 and the consultant was happy with this direction and we thought we dodged a bullet . He told us that he was sending a Obstetrics and Gynecology doctor to take to S. ...........but they didn't show up today at all . Another night's sleep in the chair for me and more blood , temperature and blood pressure tests and readings for S. Kidney reading was 170.......needs to get to 100.
