Mum's recurrent lung cancer

  • First visit to oncologist


    So today mum has been offered to be part of a trial, either Neptune which is running now or a new one coming up called Javelin100. 

    I know it's a 50/50 if you get the new drugs or standard chemo. So appt next week at Clatterbridge with the nurses to discuss more detail, sign consent forms etc.

    Needs CT PET scan first and sample going off to US!

    I know a few on here are currently going through this so any advice…

  • Mums journey so far


    Mum has just been told that her cancer has returned! In Oct 2012 she had a right lobectomy for stage 1b adenocarcinoma. The Drs didn't think she needed any follow up chemo.

    Now May 2016 the cancer has recurred and spread to the pleura. Stage 4. She's been told only option in chemotherapy and maybe a clinical trial. She is going to see her oncologist on Friday at Clatterbridge and then we will find out options.…