Cancer - just one of life's hurdles

  • 24.5.16


    Things aren't better. Went for my radio appointment yesterday was in tears nearly the whole time. Played golf today was enjoying it too, playing really well but then went really tired. First sign of it catching up with me. Just about finished with a decent score which was a bonus. Had lunch then went to the bank, then to the pub where I am starting working tomorrow then to radio. Feet were agony as usual and now my knees…

  • Misery


    Not misery the Stephen King novel athough I do feel like swinging a sledge hammer around right now. I have started this just as an outlet really. Currently sat on my bed looking like a frog and hiding from my son and his friend even though I am cooking their tea. Which is pretty much why I am crying. Not because of my son or his friend or the fact that I am having to cook but because believe it or not, at 36 years old…