Op On Monday

2 minute read time.

I got invited to my first mammogram recently - the age group has been expanded to include 47 - 50. I didn't get that worried when I was called back as I entirely expected to have another mammogram, maybe an ultrasound and be told everything was fine. By time I got to having a biopsy I was starting to get a little worried. The 2 weeks waiting for results was excrutiating, but I never honestly thought I would be called into my appointment for the results to be told anything other than you just have a harmless cyst. When I saw the nurse come into the room with me and my husband I have to say I was getting less confident by the second. When the consultant told me I had a very early stage breast cancer I thought, did he just say the 'C' word? That only happens to other people, not me.

Diagnosis came 3 days before we were due to go on holiday, but luckily my consultant agreed I could still go as I have a very early stage breast cancer and a couple of weeks was not going to cause any problems in my case. I must admit that if I was all for dealing with it immediately, but we have had such a crappy year anyway we so needed a break.

I lost my fab Dad in February to pancreatic cancer and I don't feel I have had time to deal with that yet, let alone problems with my own health. Also, 2 days before my Dad's funeral my son told me he was transgender and was now my daughter (we as a family are supporting her, but it hasn't been easy). And now this!

I have a lumpectomy with sentinel node removal to look forward to this Monday. To say I am freaking out is an understatement. I had an operation 6 years ago now for an ovarian cyst and I am not looking forward to having a general anaesthetic again. Last time I had to stay overnight and was on oxygen for 24 hours afterwards. Let's just say I am not a small lady, and I am more than aware of the extra risks of having a general if you are overweight (better make that very overweight). I don't drink or smoke though, so at least I have something going in my favour I guess... 

  • FormerMember

    Hello Pinksparkle :)

    So sorry tou find yourself here. I'm a bigger lady too and was concerned with the anaesthetic. Make sure to voice your concerns to the anaesthetist, I'm sure they'll put your mind at rest.

    My Dad came out on the day of my mothers funeral, life deals us some very difficult cards sometimes but you'll get through it. Take one day at a time and try not to push yourself (pot calling the kettle black here).

    Lots and lots of good luck for tomorrow X

  • Hi Moonbat,

    Thanks for your comment.

    I've got the most horrible sore throat now, but hey they have to keep you breathing while you're out.

    Life certainly does deal us difficult cards sometimes. You tend to think that you are the only one dealing with problems sometimes as it all gets on top of you, but it's good to know I'm not alone. I guess there is no good time for the announcements that you and I both had.

    I hope you are doing ok at the moment x

  • FormerMember

    Hi there :)

    Glad to hear you made it through! I know the sore throat isn't nice but you've done the hard bit.

    You're never alone here I promise. If it gets to much ask for help and someone will always reply. I was never one to write on forums before my diagnosis but we all need to know we're not fighting this sod by ourselves.

    I'm on the mend in more ways than one now thanks :)

    Keep in touch x

  • FormerMember

    Good luck. I'm larger lady and also worried about operation but staff were lovely and wishing you good luck to you! Xxx

  • Hi Guys,

    It's do good to be on here and have everyone's support.

    Hoping everyone is ok at the moment.

    x x x