The Fight of my Life

  • What happened to May?


    I’m back, but where have I been?

    I keep asking myself that question? What’s actually happened over the past month or so?

    I know I blogged a few times in May, but truth is I don’t remember doing many of them. They’re my reminders as well as your updates.

    They call the day you get your Stem Cells returned Day Zero. I understand the reasoning now (on day Plus Twenty).

    It’s not only the first day of…

  • The battle is over but the war continues


    Today's blog is brought to you by the word remission and the number 13.

    Sod that superstition nonsense, I've just had a cracking Friday the 13th.

    Had always hoped - and in truth always expected - that I'd reach the point of remission, but it's still a fantastic feeling to hear the consultant say those magic words.

    It's important to note what remission means, and what it doesn't mean. …

  • Not getting carried away...


    I will not get carried away. I will not get carried away. I will not get carried away...

    There's no sign of cancer in my large intestine! Woo-hoo!!

    Right, that's enough, back to reality please.

    Today I got the results from last month's colonoscopy. Regular readers will know it was biopsies from my previous colonoscopy last November which identified the Mantle Cell Lymphoma in the first place…

  • The nicht afore the morn


    For those who aren’t keen followers of the Scots language, or more specifically au fait with the traditions of the Borders Common Ridings, the ‘nicht afore the morn’ is the phrase used in some towns to mark the day/evening before the Festival’s main celebration day.

    My ‘nicht afore the morn’ doesn’t so much reflect a pre-celebration day, but more a day of reflection and relaxation before I go into…

  • A right pain in the neck (and chest...)


    A right pain in the neck! Today's #StemCellLive blog update

    Another very interesting day in my journey into the (relatively) unknown.

    Tonight, I am the proud owner of a triple lumen skin tunnelled central venous catheter with cuff, AKA a Hickman Line.

    And I’m also quite proud of my pun, based on the Baddiel and Skinner (& Lightning Seeds) Euro…