1st Course Of Chemotherapy 27.04.16

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Today is the big day!

I took my Mum to the Hospital for her 1st course of Chemotherapy today at 2:30pm. She was hooked up nice and quickly as she had a PICC Line, it took around 3hours. The nurses and other patients were lovely and the atmosphere was very relaxed and friendly. A lot of patients were in great spirits with a few laughs here and there. The drugs used today were FEC/Do3+31. Mum was very relaxed during the course of treatment and now back at home resting she is feeling slightly heady and has a minor case of a dry mouth but that's nothing that some bangers and mash can't fix! 

All in all, everything is all good at the moment. Tomorrow we will see how she feels in the aftermath of the 1st course and we'll learn how to inject her with Filgrastim (Nivestim) for the next 7 days to help boost her immune system. The real test will be trying to remember the 3 lots of anti-sickness drugs over the next 2 days..
  • FormerMember

    Hi there was reading your post and remembering how difficult I found it when my dad first started having chemo trying to remember everything and when is hard! Wanted to say I used my iPhone alarm for times of meds and a dossett pill box comes in handy too. You can get daily or weekly ones. Oh and a note book specifically for your mums important info, appointments, meds etc - doing this helped me stay organised and focused. Just wanted to drop u a message to say in thinking of u and ur mum it's so hard watching the ones we love must go through such hard times. Stay strong sweetie Sarah d xx

  • FormerMember

    Good Evening Sarah d ...

    Thank you for your comment. It's extremely difficult trying to remember everything you are told on top of absorbing the whole situation!

    We have decided to put a pin board on the wall in the kitchen for appointment info and leaflets etc. On that board I have bought a calendar specifically for the Chemotherapy and eventually Radiotherapy treatments. I've then made different columns.. Appointments.. Well Being.. Drugs/Injections (I may have a slight case of OCD!) as there is no way I can remember it all!

    I nearly invested in a pill box but Mum has only been given 3 different anti-sickness drugs that should be taken for 3 days and then 1 injection a day for 7 days!

    I hope everything is well.

    Take Care & Keep Smiling ...

  • FormerMember

    Hi RRAxx

    Don't know if this may be of any help to you - but there is a free Macmillan Organiser you can order here.

    It's also available as a phone app (free download)Breast Group (link) to get some experienced advice ?

    Take care,

  • FormerMember

    Hi Dreamthief

    Thank you for your comment. I am still trying to get to grips with the website! I only joined a few days ago so still not sure how everything works.

    I have ordered a MacMillan Organiser and downloaded the app on my phone, I was looking for one before my Mum started her treatment but couldn't find a good one anywhere so I'm extremely greatful for you shedding some light on that!

    I am in the Breast Cancer group and can see there are lots of questions and advice being given every day. I read through the comments to get some pointers. I don't normally jump in and ask questions I tend to sit back and let everyone else talk while I observe!

    Take Care & Keep Smiling :)

  • FormerMember

    I remember this so much when my husband had chemo. Another tip. Keep a little pad in your bag and write down anything that pops into your head. It helps when seeing Drs, question etc. and also the act of writing it down helps you sleep too. I hope all goes well xx