
1 minute read time.

Well I did the BM10k run on Sunday. And it sure was a lovely sunny day for it. Perfect in fact. It was the BM10k I did it's before the Brighton Marathon which I did last year, So thought I'd do the easier one this year. Bit late getting there, I made it just by 2 mins before the start of the race, I had to run like hell for a mile. Nice warm up though. Next time always leave a lot ealier even though I was staying with a friend and he did say don't worry loads of time. Not realising the traffic, He forgot about that. As I didn't know where we were and he saying not that far but it was. Good thing I'm a good runner. But all went ok thank god. And after the race treated my self to an ice cream. Why not. And my friend a nice drink.

 My dad was pleased that I did the race, I showed him the medal. He's still not well. But he's pleased I did it. And this race was for him.

Well that's some of my running event's done, My next one I'm doing is the Great North Run in September. Next month a nice holiday with freinds. A nice rest for a bit. But also looking after dad more now that I'm not training much now.

