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  • BM10k


    Well I did the BM10k run on Sunday. And it sure was a lovely sunny day for it. Perfect in fact. It was the BM10k I did it's before the Brighton Marathon which I did last year, So thought I'd do the easier one this year. Bit late getting there, I made it just by 2 mins before the start of the race, I had to run like hell for a mile. Nice warm up though. Next time always leave a lot ealier even though I was staying with…

  • Dad's home


    My Dad is now home from being in Hospital for over a week. He met some very nice people in there, Got up to misschief. But he was looked after really well.

     Being in there with infection wasn't nice but he got through it, At times it was tough but with the right medication and family and freinds he was soon home. Now in a mini hospital bed with his TV in front of him he's happy, We are all happy to have him home our Dog…