Ding! Ding! Round 2

1 minute read time.

I started my second cycle of chemo on Friday. Infusion of Oxaliplatin and Capecitabine as tablets twice a day since.

My first cycle was fine but I'm struggling a bit more now. I've been getting increased pins and needles in both hands and also occasionally in my feet. Also I've been experiencing increased bouts of nausea and increasing fatigue.

This is all to be expected as I was told that the side effects are accumulative. We'll see how it goes.

Apart from this I'm still positive. I have the odd session of depression and feeling down but that's life. It happened to me before I developed cancer and my life does have it's ups and downs. I'm still working but this is getting harder.

Each day is a day closer to the end of this stage of my journey. I'm due 4 sessions of chemo. I'll be honest and say that I'm expecting this to be difficult but I have to have faith in the medical team looking after me. I can keep them informed of my side effects and accept the advice(changes in drug, dosages etc.) that they offer.

After chemo, more scans and then perhaps, if all has worked, some fairly major surgery. So this is just a short step on that journey.

Lots of scary stuff to come but that's in the future.

I'm walking in Derbyshire at the weekend so I'm keeping everything crossed for some decent weather. Should be fun.

Today the sun is shining. Time to hit the garden!

  • FormerMember


    I have reading your blogs and have found them both informative and humourous, just as you have been since our schooldays. Keep writing as In am sure that they will help in a positive way. Not so sure about the gardening!!!  Have a good weekend with the old gits.
