Cycle 3 not such fun!

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Sorry I need to have a moan. Probably just feeling sorry for myself but staring to feel dreadful.

I started my 3rd cycle of chemo last Friday. I'm still getting peripheral neuropathy in both hand and now my feet.

I'm constantly tired and the nausea is almost constant. I'm taking the anti-nausea medication but it doesn't seem to be helping.

Now I may have a urine infection. Ho hum.

That's it. Rant over.

So much to be positive about. I'm over half way through my planned chemo. When I go for my next appointment with the oncologist we'll discuss my scan after cycle 4. This too is causing me anxiety. What if the chemo hasn't worked? What if it has and I'm lined up for surgery?

Stuff to worry about in the future (near future but not immediately).. Very unlike me to think too far ahead.

I need to focus on getting through cycle 3. I'll get some advice about the nausea and I'll get there.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Pete,

    You shouldn't have to struggle so definitely speak to the onc nurses.

    My fifth cycle of CAPOX is next week and I had my dose of oxi reduced after the first session so perhaps this is something to consider. I also struggled with nausea until I was given the drug called Emend. You take it prior to chemo and then for two mornings after and it works a treat. Push for this drug as the nhs won't prescribe by default as it is expensive. Failing this ask for another nausea med as there are plenty to try. I found cyclizine helpful until I had Emend.

    Good luck with everything and hopefully surgery is an option for you going forward

  • FormerMember

    Many thanks.

    I'll check with the experts. I take Zofran the day after chemo and then maxalon as and when I feel nauseous.

    But I've gone from one of those a day up to 3 and still don't feel right.

    Today I feel better. I was just having a bad day yesterday and needed to let off a little steam.