Day 4

1 minute read time.

I saw mum today, she seemed OK and we had a laugh and a joke. Conversations soon turned to the cancer and we had our first proper chat about it. 

She cried a little and it broke my heart. She says she's not scared to die but scared to leave us all behind. She keeps saying I won't get to do this and that, I've told her that's the wrong attitude to have. She will get to do it, I have to believe she will!

I told her how I didn't think she has terminal cancer but incurable cancer. I don't know if I'm right but it makes me feel better believing that these are two different things. 

I feel guilty to see her, she wants to make memories but every time I see her I feel like it's one more day and next time she might be unwell and I don't know how I'd feel seeing her like this. 

I'm a believer that everything happens for a reason but not this. What possible reason is there for this? The most caring and loving person, so much left to live for, this brings back the emotions I don't want. I don't want to feel anger! She told me she feels angry too. 

I can only hope that this treatment will work and give her another few years at least.

I just wish there was something I could do, I wish there was a way I could convince her not too worry about me. 

  • FormerMember

    It's hard when you talk with your mum but sometimes she will just want to tell you her fears and it's sometimes best not to immediately reply that everything will be ok. I had a real Frank talk with my husband and asked him just to listen to me when I was sharing my fears with him as I needed them listened to and recognised. We share laughs, serious discussions and love and that is what you are doing with your beloved mum too. You are a wonderful supportive daughter and remember to take time for you, your feelings and stresses too. Virtual hugs sent from someone you don't know. X