first day back on chemo TIP

1 minute read time.

So yesterday i started back on chemo, the TIP treatment this time, due to me having  blood clot where my pic line was last time they have opted to just try staying on the canulars, but that seems to be changing already as veins are so bad from the chemo before I've already had it changed 3 time due to pain and swelling, i have requested a pic line and explained i didn't get a blood clot just because of the pic line it was when a nurse came to my house and left the valve off when she left i got an infection which turned into a blood clot, so hopefully today i will have that sorted :) 

The thing that stuck me is how intense this coarse of chemo is, i have not been off a drip since i started, also because it has been a while since i have been in hospital, it the routine with the nurses i forgot, the blood taking, pill taking and the blood pressure. but I have to say everyone has been absolutely lovely and i have my own room which is nice, as last time as a outpatient i would do 9 hours then have to drive home another hour and a half so atlas i can just sleep ect. 

im not to sure about anyone else who has maybe had chemo a second time, but the pain from the canulars even getting put in seems so much worse, i could really feel the plastic bit sliding up my vein, is that common on the second time around? 

also what does everyone else seem to do when just sat in hospital, yesterday i had my mum with me and friends will be up today and are bringing monopoly haha a game i haven't played in years!! but i have been read ect but i just want a few more things to do as i just find my self eating which i don't eat to happen. 

But all in all I'm feeling good, woke up today to some nice messages and i don't sick (yet) so the positives seem to out weigh the negatives so far :) i hope everyone is doing ok and feeling good. 

James :) 

  • Hi James,

    Hope they get that PICC line in and that you start to feel more comfortable.

    In my time having BEP - always connected to those sodding, beeping pumps for chemo or saline - number one entertainment was talking to my fellow patients, followed by snoozing, watching movies, listening to music on my ipod, and the odd audio book (much recommended as you don't need to sit up or have your eyes open!)

    Visiting times are good, nice to have te human interaction. I would recommend getting up for a 30min walk each day, dragging your pump with you just for a change of scenery and to get some face time with human beings - is there a day room woth a TV and DVD player, or just TV - e.g. get up to watch the 1 o'clock news

    Take care,
