BCC on Nose - Part 2 - Day 4 to 10

2 minute read time.

Day 4 to 6.

Well, it has been hard to adjust to doing practically nothing for 6 days, however, I think I could used to it! Actually,on second thoughts there is only so much Loose Women and Jeremy Kyle you can handle. healing has gone well so far, I have had no pain whatsoever in either my shoulder where the graft was taken or in my nose. Some general itching but apparently this means everything is healing. I have been able to shower, provided you don't direct the water on the areas concerned it is fine, it makes you feel a lot better afterwards. I have become an expert in applying new dressings and it fills some time. There is a dull smell constantly in my nose which isn't that pleasant, probably due to the inability to blow your nose properly. Aparrt from that, all good. Starting to worry about Day 7 where I go back to have my stitches and things removed and to see if the actual graft has taken or not - fingers crossed. One thing at a time...!!!

Day 7 - Back to the 'Spire'

The day of reckoning has finally come, 7 days of being careful, no beer, nothing trying to give the graft the best chance possible. In I went, shoulder first. Amazing! Shoulder has practically healed already. Part 1 - Tick! Now for part two. Dressings removed, stitches removed. All apparently looking good. The graft has taken!!!! Do I want to have a look? Do I, not sure, umming and anding. Finally, I pluck up the courage to go to the mirror. Shoulder first - happy. Now for the nose. Not at all what I expected to see, one massive scud, brown in colour. Couldn't really see anything else. Nurse is happy, I am over the moon and a massive relief. I have no idea what it will look like after the scud comes away but right now I don't care. The graft has taken. One thing at a time...!!!

Day 8 to 10

Nothing to do now but to leave the areas undressed as much as possible 'let the air get to it' and be careful. all good thus far, scud still not moving but the way I see it the longer it stays in place the more chance the skin has underneath to heal. I don't want to revert to child hood and stat picking it! I won't go out with it open for all to see so I always put a light dressing over it at least until the scud has come away some more.

The most amazing observation is when you meet people who you know and they ask what you have done. When you mention skin cancer just the word cancer spreads fear and you can see it in their eyes. It's OK I explain, it's been treated and I will be fine. Not all cancers end life. In fact it's amazing the number of peope who say, oh so and so had that and its all fine, you can hardly notice it, etc. Education is clearly key.

Anyway, back to work tomorrow. More 20 questions but that's fine. I'll check in again soon to let you know how it's going. The healing process is going to be quite long but I'm positive, if it takes 6 months so what. I'll just have to look like Adam Ant for a little longer. The wife likes it, she says it makes me look tough!!       
