BCC on Nose

  • BCC on Nose - Part 2 - Day 4 to 10


    Day 4 to 6.

    Well, it has been hard to adjust to doing practically nothing for 6 days, however, I think I could used to it! Actually,on second thoughts there is only so much Loose Women and Jeremy Kyle you can handle. healing has gone well so far, I have had no pain whatsoever in either my shoulder where the graft was taken or in my nose. Some general itching but apparently this means everything is healing. I have been able…

  • Day 1 to 3


    Hi, I had a deep skin graft performed on the side of my nose on Thursday and am currently waiting in anticipation to see if the graft has worked, stitches will come out on Thursday of next week so fingers crossed. History: I had a small lump develop on the side of my nose about 18 months ago and thought nothing of it. Playing rugby I would often bash my face and this area would bleed, again I put it down to rugby and carried…