Going with the Flow

2 minute read time.

Drip, drip, dripping, drip, drip... what no more dripping, faulty, remove the bottle, toss in bin....

Clamps, attach new bottle.... Drip, drip, dripping, drip, drip.... phew all ok again...

A week of carrying that bag with the bottle of straw and red mingled fluid draining from the chasm that was my breast...

60ml, 60ml, 54ml, 48ml, 40ml, 36ml, 30ml, back to clinic, remove the drain...

Aaah, now I feel I can begin to heal, so much more comfortable, not so nauseating...

A week of healing, unfortunately getting tighter and tighter as all that excess fluid has nowhere to run..

Back to clinic, operation dressing finally removed, no thank you very much I do not want to view the new me...

Still getting tighter and tighter, can my skin really stretch this far....

Time to have a peak in the privacy of my own bathroom...

Wow, now that is so weird... Two of me.

Turn sideways and I am my breasted self, turn the other way and I become my flat chested self.

Wound healing nicely though feels I am about to burst...

Back to clinic, syringes out, 140ml removed.... not so tight, feeling good.

Home again... Yet again I want to shower, why do I feel unclean so often ?

Hmm red bruising just below my scarring line....

Filling up with fluid, my body is protesting its seems to want to grow another breast..

This false breast is getting bigger and bigger and is off centre, growing towards the armpit..

I now have quite a mound and a swelling of fluid under and behind my armpit...

The redness is a spreading....

Oh....what to do, I'm sure it'll be fine ...

Saturday afternoon, definitely not fine, my large new breast is so colourful with its shades of pinks, reds and purples.

I'm not angry but my body is very, very angry, so angry its hurting, screaming and yelling at me..

Time to head for A & E...

'So sorry, its really not a very pretty sight'

What to do, what to do.... Put in a bed, intravenous antibiotics.

Ah bless, all is good, fine and sublime

Wonderful Morphine that reaches the pain and wipes out the

urge to vomit whenever I look at that alien part of me...

2 days of drug induced peace

Monday morning 110ml fluid extracted by syringe

Afternoon 50ml fluid and 60ml blood extracted

And still my body rebels and grows

Tuesday, finally my body surrenders and I can feel it healing again.

Head home, so good to be home, I love to be at home....


My bump is still a growing, appointment not til next Monday, we'll see you Thursday if we really have to...

Hang in there, keep a holding on and a hanging...

Wednesday at 8pm, body has other ideas and starts a flowing and then a gushing

The fluid has burst through and its wet, wet, wet..

Nothing soaks it up... Yet again head to A & E...

120ml this time removed

Home by 3pm, with the Mother of all dressings...

See GP at 10, renew dressing, pop to chemist for prescription

Oh frig, frig, frig,...  Wet, wet, wet... back to GP

Home again, seeping through

What can I add to stay dry... all the dressing used up, all to small

Sanitary towels add on top, more and more..

Next day at breast dressing clinic we have a giggle and laugh at my daughters and my attempt at D.I.Y..

Have to say it sure did keep me dry, so a success...

Couple of days of constant dribbling

I can feel the sunshine within my body is shinning bright

Enabling the flowing river of fluid to finally begin drying up

Enhancing the healing abilities that lie within

Preparing me for the next stage

Which is soon due to begin.
