Sucker Punch

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So 6 cycles of Folfox later......

And the chemo has done nothing , the tumors have grown in my liver but no new ones found apart from .. they are looking at a suspect object in my spine. that wasn't in previous scans

I am devastated as apart from the chemo I feel so well and the pain I had in my side had subsided. My oncologist was floored as he also was sure that there had been a response. I have no back pain and plenty of energy  - also my liver and other organs are operating normally - it seems so surreal

I am meeting him again on Monday 12th to discuss things in more detail but it looks like they are going to start me on Folfiri next week while also doing some more investigation on my spine.

So...while I can still taste things thanks to my chemo break and knowing that the chemo will last over Xmas I am having a full Christmas dinner on Sunday - Bugger off Cancer!

  • FormerMember

    Hang in there, Rozz! Chemo is no joke and I’m sorry you didn’t get the response from it you were looking for. Glad to hear you’re getting the full on Christmas dinner early!