Well this escalated quickly...

  • Sucker Punch


    So 6 cycles of Folfox later......

    And the chemo has done nothing , the tumors have grown in my liver but no new ones found apart from .. they are looking at a suspect object in my spine. that wasn't in previous scans

    I am devastated as apart from the chemo I feel so well and the pain I had in my side had subsided. My oncologist was floored as he also was sure that there had been a response. I have no back pain and…

  • Yayyy The blogs back! -


    Been away from the site for a few weeks. Sorry!

    I sort of got really bored of cancer, sick of talking about it sick of it being my life so I switched off as much cancer ' noise' as I could and powered on through the chemo for a bit.. Gosh there is a lot of ads on the TV lately for McMillan and Cancer Research. You never really notice until you are affected I guess.  I have to turn off when I see ' Brave the Shave…

  • Oh....B**GER


    So an amazing weekend trip to Chicago to knock off one of my husband's big bucket list items turned into a trip to A&E for me and then some horribly shocking news.

    The day after we got back from Chicago I started to get a horrendous pain in my right side.  I struggled on for a day and could no longer stand it so I drove myself to A&E at my local hospital ( Note for future...dont drive yourself if you can…